Atelier photo 8 jours Sud de l'Islande | Zoom sur les grottes de glace et aurores boréales

Prenez part à cet atelier photo épique aurores boréales et grotte de glace vous emmenant chasser la plus belle lumière à travers les paysages magnifiques d'Islande. Ce voyage se concentre sur la capture de paysages hivernaux, de grotte de glace et d'aurores boréales.
Lors de ce voyage, vous découvrez les plus beaux sites du Sud de l'Islande dont le parc national Vatnajokull, la lagune glaciaire de Jokulsarlon et sa plage de diamants. Cet atelier photo comprend également la visite unique d'une grotte de glace naturelle. Sous les conditions météos optimales, les grottes révèlent leur couleur bleue intense. Vous évoluez en petit groupe et êtes accompagnés d'un guide photographe qui est là pour vous aiguiller et vous faire progresser en photo.
Un voyage hivernal en Islande ne serait pas complet sans les aurores boréales. Ces lumières flamboyantes et gracieuses du ciel Arctique sont le résultat d'un phénomène naturel engendré par l'activité solaire. De fines particules solaires chargées sont propulsées vers la Terre et dirigées vers les pôles par le bouclier magnétique pour finalement rentrer en collision avec l'atmosphère. Plusieurs facteurs déterminent quand il est possible de voir des aurores ce qui renforce les chances d'aboutir à la meilleure expérience. Cela inclut des ciels étoilés, une saison favorable, de bonnes conditions météorologiques, de prendre son temps et de trouver un bon lieu d'observation. Les aurores boréales sont une des merveilles que vous pouvez voir en Islande.
Rejoignez-vite ce voyage photo d'une semaine dans le sud de l'île à la découverte des grottes de glace et des aurores boréales. Cliquez sur "choisir une date" pour vérifier la disponibilité de l'atelier.
Lieux phare

Itinéraire quotidien

Jour 1 - Arrivée en Islande

Jour 2 - Les cascades de la côte sud et plage de sable noir

Jour 3 - Le parc national du Vatnajokull et lagune de Jokulsarlon

Jour 4 - Lever de soleil à Jokulsarlon et visite d'une grotte de glace

Jour 5 - Montagne de Vestrahorn

Jour 6 - Réserve de Skaftafell et le village de Vik

Jour 7 - Cercle d'Or et route vers Reykjavik

Jour 8 - Transfert vers l’aéroport de Keflavik
Bon à savoir
- Nous sommes une agence de voyage locale ainsi qu’un tour opérateur local tous les deux agréés par l'Icelandic Tourist Board.
- Tous nos hôtes reçoivent une collection de vidéos post-produites par nos photographes renommés. Leur valeur est supérieure a 1500 $.
- Nous utilisons des véhicules 4x4 pour vous emmener vers des destinations magnifiques en toute sécurité.
- Nous réservons les meilleurs hébergements disponibles en Islande au moment de la réservation de votre voyage.
- Nos tours photo et ateliers sont guidés par des photographes de paysages primés.
- Nous fournissons des crampons et des bottes en caoutchouc gratuitement tout le long du voyage.
- Lors de chaque tour, nous vous enseignons les techniques de prises de vues ainsi que de post-production.
- Nos guides photographes vous aideront sans relâche sur place afin d’être sûrs que vous repartez avec de magnifiques photos d’Islande.
Nous vous conseillons de prendre une assurance voyage. En cas d'accident durant le voyage, les frais ne sont pas couverts. Le voyage est toujours tributaire de la météo étant donné que les conditions météorologiques islandaises peuvent être imprévisibles.
Bien que souvent observables entre septembre et avril, la vue des aurores boréales ne peut pas être garantie. Il est de même pour les grottes de glace. Il y a cependant énormément de choses à voir et à faire en Islande si des conditions non favorables compromettent certains de nos projets d’origine.
Departure Schedule
1-8 Nov 2025 - Guided by Raymond Hoffmann
10-17 Nov 2025 - Guided by Vincenzo Mazza
19-26 Nov 2025 - Guided by Vincenzo Mazza
7-14 Dec 2025 - Guided by Vincenzo Mazza
16-23 Dec 2025 - Guided by Vincenzo Mazza
14-21 Jan 2026 - Guided by Sigurður William
31 Jan - 7 Feb 2026 - Guided by Jón Hilmarsson
8-15 Feb 2026 - Guided by Kaspars Dzenis
28 Feb - 7 Mar 2026 - Guided by Jón Hilmarsson
9-16 Mar 2026 - Guided by Kaspars Dzenis

Raymond is an award-winning photographer with a worldwide reputation. Known for his magnificent landscape photos, his career took off in 2011, when he was voted as ‘Best Nature Photographer’ by one of Europe’s largest online photo communities.
One of his photos was even elected as one of the best photos in the 10 years history of the organization. Raymond’s work has featured in various publications, from books to newspapers and magazines, and he actively takes on assignments for publishers and advertising agencies.
These days he works as a nature photographer, mostly leading expert tours across the stunning nordic nations. He is an ambassador for the Lucroit filter system, and has won awards in a range of international photography contests.

Vincenzo Mazza
Voir la page de profilVincenzo is a nature and landscape photographer. He has been doing landscape photography since 2010, mostly between Italy and Iceland. Born in Italy he moved to Iceland in 2015, after spending many months in that country during the years before to practice landscape photography.
He has been teaching photography and running photo tours since 2011, mostly in Iceland and in Italy. In 2015 he was among the winner photographers of the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year international nature photography competition.
In Iceland he become a mountain and a glacier guide, and he is now an official member of the association of the Icelandic mountain guides.
Regarding his approach to photography, he like to consider himself a storyteller. He believes that his pictures are the result of diligence, creativity and technical skills in the field but most of all unconditional love for nature landscapes.
He would define his pictures as “authentic”, they are a faithful representation of the reality at the moment of the photo shooting, prior to all the obvious adjustments which are essential to the optimization of the picture.
Regarding that aspect, he said: “Nature is so impressive, inspiring and magnificent! if I created pictures with Photoshop, mixing up places and different moments I wouldn’t be the storyteller I want to be. Photography is an interpretation of an evanescent moment. Intuition and passion are needed on the playground of nature”.

Jón is a native Icelander, pro landscape and nature photographer, loves the northern lights and tries different technic capturing them - panorama, vertorama and time lapse.
Jón started taking photography seriously 10 years ago and since then he has held numerous exhibitions all over Iceland and published two photo books. He has been recognised and awarded internationally for his work. His pictures has been published all over the world in newspapers, magazines and various books.
Jón has a great passion for photography and travelling, he attempts to highlight interesting landscape, nature and known landmarks. Often the subject is approached during the twilight, when land and light merge together in undisclosed harmony

Siggi was born in Iceland and has spent most of his photography career in this paradise.During his time as a photographer, he early on found that his passion lies with photographing the beautiful landscapes and nightscapes of Iceland. One of his favorite activities is being out, chasing the northern lights and thinking of new ways to top his shots.
He has won multiple awards for his work, both locally and internationally, especially for his photos of the Aurora Borealis. Sigurdur has also written a book on the subject to aid everyone in getting the perfect shots of Lady Aurora and held nightscape photography workshops in Iceland since the beginning of 2012 with great success.
When the days get longer and the northern lights fade into the daylight, he turns his eyes towards the sun and the amazing midnight sun that Iceland has to offer with the golden hours that seem to stretch on forever.

There’s no doubt that immersing oneself in nature with a camera can reinvigorate the soul.
For Kaspars, this has become a lifetime passion that he pursues all across the rugged and pristine landscapes of Iceland. For this intrepid explorer, there is nothing more exciting than to get off the beaten track, traversing the last remnants of wilderness left to be discovered in this world.
His enduring belief is that there are still many grand scenes in Iceland that are yet to be photographed; his sense for adventure is a testament to the energy that he puts into finding them. With an intimate knowledge of the Icelandic landscape and having guided countless photography workshops, Kaspars is well-versed in working with the unique and oftentimes dramatic conditions that this country has to offer.
You can rest assured that he will bring you to the most epic locations in Iceland where you’ll be able to capture the immense beauty that epitomises the Arctic. Well-accomplished in both Lightroom and Photoshop, Kaspars has an extensive understanding of complex post-processing techniques that will assist you to no bounds with unleashing your creativity and finding your own style.
His mellow outlook and easygoing, relaxed nature will have you feeling at home with your camera and your tripod in Iceland in no time.