1日目 - 南海岸
2日目 - ヴァトナヨークトル国立公園
3日目 - 再びレイキャビクへ
・Iceland Photo Toursはアイスランド観光協会公認の旅行代理店・ツアーオペレーター会社です。
2020年6月19日~21日 ガイド:TBA
2020年7月24日~26日 ガイド:TBA
2020年8月14日~16日 ガイド:TBA
Siggi was born in Iceland and has spent most of his photography career in this paradise.During his time as a photographer, he early on found that his passion lies with photographing the beautiful landscapes and nightscapes of Iceland. One of his favorite activities is being out, chasing the northern lights and thinking of new ways to top his shots.
He has won multiple awards for his work, both locally and internationally, especially for his photos of the Aurora Borealis. Sigurdur has also written a book on the subject to aid everyone in getting the perfect shots of Lady Aurora and held nightscape photography workshops in Iceland since the beginning of 2012 with great success.
When the days get longer and the northern lights fade into the daylight, he turns his eyes towards the sun and the amazing midnight sun that Iceland has to offer with the golden hours that seem to stretch on forever.
There’s no doubt that immersing oneself in nature with a camera can reinvigorate the soul.
For Kaspars, this has become a lifetime passion that he pursues all across the rugged and pristine landscapes of Iceland. For this intrepid explorer, there is nothing more exciting than to get off the beaten track, traversing the last remnants of wilderness left to be discovered in this world.
His enduring belief is that there are still many grand scenes in Iceland that are yet to be photographed; his sense for adventure is a testament to the energy that he puts into finding them. With an intimate knowledge of the Icelandic landscape and having guided countless photography workshops, Kaspars is well-versed in working with the unique and oftentimes dramatic conditions that this country has to offer.
You can rest assured that he will bring you to the most epic locations in Iceland where you’ll be able to capture the immense beauty that epitomises the Arctic. Well-accomplished in both Lightroom and Photoshop, Kaspars has an extensive understanding of complex post-processing techniques that will assist you to no bounds with unleashing your creativity and finding your own style.
His mellow outlook and easygoing, relaxed nature will have you feeling at home with your camera and your tripod in Iceland in no time.
Jón is a native Icelander, pro landscape and nature photographer, loves the northern lights and tries different technic capturing them - panorama, vertorama and time lapse.
Jón started taking photography seriously 10 years ago and since then he has held numerous exhibitions all over Iceland and published two photo books. He has been recognised and awarded internationally for his work. His pictures has been published all over the world in newspapers, magazines and various books.
Jón has a great passion for photography and travelling, he attempts to highlight interesting landscape, nature and known landmarks. Often the subject is approached during the twilight, when land and light merge together in undisclosed harmony